H-Wave is a non-invasive electrotherapy which uses electrical stimulation to relieve pain and restore function without any potentially harmful side effects. Its benefits include:
Pain Relief
Improves function
Reduces recovery time
Increases blood circulation
Increases lymphatic drainage and removal of toxins
Drains areas of oedema (swelling)
Improves oxygen supply
Reduces muscle spasm
Reduces muscle tightness
Improves range of motion and flexibility
Reduces muscle wastage from disuse
The H-Wave works by emulating the H waveform that occurs in the horse's nerve signals (the Hoffman reflex). This allows the H-Wave machine to penetrate the horse's body deeper with a lower frequency current, whilst using less power than similar machines. This means that this machine is safer, less painful and more effective.
Your Horse's Physiotherapy Session
I start using the H-Wave by acclimatising your horse to the wires and electrodes, as these can be a very new sensation for your horse. I do this by slowly draping the wires over your horse's back and moving them around, all the while offering your horse encouragement and praise.

Next, I use conductive gel to place the electrodes on your horse. In these pictures I place the electrodes either side of the withers and lumbar back, but they can be placed in numerous different positions depending on where your horse has spasm in their back. I apply gel to the horse's back and directly on the H-Wave's electrodes. This gel is hypoallergenic and is wiped off (with sensitive baby wipes) after the treatment.

Finally, I start the treatment. The average time the H-Wave is activated for is 20 minutes and I will usually perform this before massaging the other areas of tightness throughout your horse's body. I will slowly increase the power until you can see the muscles contracting.
This video shows a horse midway through their treatment. She has her head low and she is licking and chewing, which are clear signs she is relaxed. She is also a chronic windsucker and while receiving this treatment, she was so relaxed she did not windsuck. You can also see how she is resting her leg.